Wednesday, September 23, 2009


First of all, thanks for the overwhelming response to my giveaway. It was really fun logging in to see all those comments today, especially from some n00bs I never even heard of before. DELURKERS! I had a lot of comments that were like "You should pick me because..." Hmm, seems I may have not properly explained the rules of the game. When I said I would pick a winner, I meant like...out of a hat...or some other hat-like receptacle. I'm not actually choosing a winner based on comment stylings, although, that might be something to think about regarding future giveaways.

Also, I was a little disappointed to see no sexy dancing. Apparently I read this crowd wrong!

So I'm sorry if it was your birthday or you were having a bad day or you just seem really deserving, but it's all in the hands of that cruel mistress, Lady Luck. :( But you still might win, so keep hope alive! I guess I'll do the drawing like...Monday. That's not too far away but there's still time to enter if you haven't already and you secretly want to. Just do it, man!

Speaking of not too far away, I decorated my cubicle all HALLOWEEN-ISH today. It's pretty decked out, as far as cubicles go. I forgot my stinkin' camera but I'll get some pics tomorrow to show you guys so you can pretend to care. I am a child!

I put a big bowl of candy at the very corner of my desk, which is something I do for EVERY holiday, and still EVERY holiday, I have to listen to all the ladies at work bitch about how dare I bring candy into the office. Yet, at the end of the day, half the bowl was gone! I don't care that they eat it, I mean, that's why I put the shit there, but don't bitch me out for a half hour about how you don't eat candy then proceed to eat the damn candy. Just shut up and eat it.

I realize that, like me, you're on a diet every other day, but this is a test of will and if you can't resist free candy, then don't point that finger at me. YOU ARE THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN DESTINY...when it comes to holiday treats.

That being said, I ate 2 Kit Kats and a Twix and I wish I never brought that stupid ass candy to work. As soon as the candy's gone, I'm gonna fill that bucket with Slim Jims and apples and nobody better not say a goddamn word to me about it...I will burn that building down.

Stupid holidays.


Diana said...

How can you be so freaking funny, post after post?

I use to bring in candy too, for holidays, then I'd eat half the bowl and just be totally pissed off at myself. I had to stop that nonsense. I can't resist candy.

You've inspired me to decorate my cubicle for Halloween. I use to do that stuff all the time but now I work with a bunch of fuddy duddies (are those real words?). They don't dress up for Halloween or anything. Boring!

Hey, I just realized, I remember you dressing up for last Halloween and posting your pictures. I've been reading your blog for over a year. Wow!

DownsizingDoc said...

Candy at work...always difficult to pass it by.

And please enter me in your give-away. I'm doin' a sexy dance in front of my lap top....enjoy!

KrysTros said...

So basically you bring candy to work to see if the Diet Gods will reek havoc on you? If not then it is a good week right? LOL

Chris H said...

I wanna be in the giveaway too! Glad I don't go to work, I wouldn't be able to resist the candy!

Erin said...

thanks thanks for your lovely comment tricia. that hoodie is a million years old and i can't wear it anywhere for the giant holes in it, but goddamn if i'm going to get rid of it. i'm in love with it.

ohnosir halloween candy. i have to stay away this year. my bro is up at college this year so i can't pretend like i'm buying it for him lol.

Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

It's eaten by the same people who complain that Christmas decorations are going up to soon, but are the first ones to buy a new ornament for the tree. (In September!)

Fat Daddy said...

Bottom line is that you don't want them bitching at you for bringing the candy in, but it's a bad temptation for you too. I have a real hard time with bowls of candy at work. In the past, I would get to the point to where I'd try to swipe more when people weren't looking. I never blamed the folks who brought the stuff, but it was rough.

I just could not get the guts up to send you my sexy dance pics...maybe one day.

Tantra Flower said...

Kit Kats are hard to resist. They're so yummy.

Anonymous said...

I always wanted to eat the candy in the bowl at work, but I felt like a little piggie, so I'd usually pass it by, plus I always felt like if I partake, then I need to bring some in to share, and well, I'm just too lazy for that.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing is the people at work who complain about the selection of FREE candy. seriously!

Anonymous said...

Oh and I forgot to mention since your giveaway blog posted, my whole blog dashboard is filled with your name haha

Rebecca said...

Hhhhmmm...i love me some candy but I do usually pass on it, only for the other girls to get all bitchy on me for not partaking...

what can i say?! I cant just eat one piece, i want the whole damn bowl!

Leslie said...

I just found your blog today via Amy H. She reports you're tres funny, so I had to find out for myself. I do love what I've read and will become a faithful reader. I may have to request more break time at work to accomodate blog reading and writing. I'm going to try and read through your archives.

If I had chocolate based candy products on my desk, I'd quickly find myself inundated in mountains of empty wrappers and with sticky fingers. Couldn't. Leave. Alone. But you remind me it's time to Halloween up the place. Thanks for your inspiration. Check out my blog if you ever get a chance. I'm a pretty new kid on the block, but am finding great support from this community.

Slimmer Side of Me said...

I used yo work at an office in London and we would celebrate everyone's birthday with lots and lots of food. I mean cupcakes, brownies, chips, pop, booze, candy...everything and anything. I would always try and not give in to the temptation of all that yummy food because I knew that once I started I wouldn't be able to stop but by the end of the day I would stuff myself full. Hence my current predicament - hahaha!
Honestly, I think bring a little candy into the work place every so often is a good thing because it just brightens the place up.

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

mmmm....chocoate...damn it I want chocolate now...


I blame your happy ass if I go on a bender lol :P

Donna said...

At a former place of employment, evey month I was in charge of the monthly birthday cake honoring all the birthdays for the month. This was no cheap supermarket cake, and usually ran abou $130. I always tried to pick a flavor that most everyone could handle. It always amazed me though the bitching! Finally, one day at the cake presentation, I created a paddle, which I held high at the moment of the first critic's comments, "Why did we get white ici.." BOOM! Up goes the paddle.

What did the paddle say?

On one side: "Quit the bitchin'"
On the other: "It's free!"


Anonymous said...

Lurker here.. didn't want to post on the giveaway.. so I waited for the next post. Muwhaha. Try filling up the bowl on the edge of your desk with the new Mini-Nutrigrain bars that they just put out. They have them in 3 flavors and are like bite-sized.

Camevil said...

Bringing candy in is like playing duel with yourself. You trying to build up resistance?

I have Halloween crayolas on my desk for the clients who bring the kidlets. That's about it.

Perhaps a bowl of dimestore favors, like fake teeth and rubber monsters, might do the trick. Imagine what you'd turn that cube farm into!

Shhhhh said...

KitKats are my favorite.

@eloh said...

Times are food is free food.

Dina said...

You got like 20 followers overnight? Holy shit. Guess JackSh*t didn't need to give all that head after all!

Anonymous said...

Look, I'm clearly in no position to be giving weight loss advice. BUT, having said that, I can't help but notice that you said that you put candy out on your desk for every holiday.

While I agree that it's up to all of us, when faced with that kind of challenge, to be the master of our domain... no, the master of our destiny, but, as to why you may be having struggles losing weight...

Groundhog Day candy
Arbor Day candy
Rosh Hashanah candy
Columbus Day candy
Take you daughter to work day candy
Black History Month candy!!!

Erin said...

ha... leslie- this reminds me of a story from when i went to the beach for senior week. we all bought massive amounts of both junk food and alcohol and i think i bought one of those mixed bags of like, twix and snickers or something, and after a long night of drinking, i woke up in the morning literally surrounded by candy wrappers. i sat up in horror and just yelled "what the hell!? theres like a hundred candy wrappers around me!?" it was badbadbad

T.L. said...

Funny stuff about the candy. I think I may give my husband and daughter a container with a combination lock so that I don't raid the Halloween candy this year. You know...we buy it "for the trick-or-treaters." (But we never have any.) Last year, I ate far too much of it. The year before, I was in better control. I would NOT be in control if it was in a bowl on my desk.

Amy said...

okay...okay...okay....if you want REAL fun.....fill that bowl with sugar free chocolates. Nobody ever reads the tiny print that says 'Can cause diarrhea with excessive consumption'.

screwdestiny said...

People like to have a reason as to why they're overweight, so they should be thanking you for giving them that reason. 'Cause I'm quite sure if the bitchers are overweight they didn't get that way just by eating your candy. By the way, are Slim Jims supposed to be a healthy substitute?

theantijared said...

Were they real size candy bars or "Fun Size" because everyone knows that "Fun Size" have no calories!

wildfluffysheep said...

so the sexy dancing would have clinched it huh? oh man ive got no chance. i never win stuff that comes down to luck. i NEED to be specially picked.

boo to the candy. gotta love kitkats though.yay to halloween! i saw an awesome costume the other day.... must invest.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of your noobs.. and just linked on my blog. :)

i can't do candy on my desk.. otherwise **I** eat it all.

looking forward to following you!! LOVE your blog.

A Daunting Tale of Scale Warfare said...

Yep, Spark People is 100% completely free. What I'm liking most about it, is you can search not only their database but also all of the foods entered by other people (you have to click a different search option, but still, its easy.) I think I've only had to manually enter 1 or 2 foods so far!

Community said...

What trickery does Pelosi have up her sleeve to hold the House debates on Saturday evening?

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