Not too excited to weigh-in this morning.
Check out my shiny Easter mask!
Once again it was chocolate fondue that fucked me up. The same lady keeps showing up all these family parties bringing her fondue pot and like a million yummy things to dip in chocolate. (Cheesecake bits??) I don't wanna go so far as to say I wish she'd die before the next party, but let's just say, I've thought it.
That bit of nastiness aside, I hope everyone had a pleasant Easter.
Stupid mondays.
The only thing I liked about prom was the strawberry + chocolate fountain fondue, so I totally get it.
Oh, I forgot to tell you: I know that lady and every time she makes her famous chocolate fondue, I sneak over and stick my... well... you know what... into the fondue. Maybe that image will help you lay off at the next party...
Very nice Jack. I'll never be able to drink from the chocolate fountain again without thinking about you.
My're going to make it! Put this behind you and have a strong Monday!
My best always
Chin up Tricia! Tell that old bag to shove her fondue pot, you don't want no stinking choco covered cheesecake....or you could just send it to me. Just sayin.
Jack is gross! Although I have seen him do it!
Also, raspberries have more fiber than blackberries.
Also, your birthday is this week!!!
Okay, seriously, I've seen Jack do it also (when choco lady wasn't looking)'s disgusting, don't eat from that pot.
(He also does it on Potluck Fridays, so you might as well get used to bringing your own healthy stuff!
Your head is in the right place and you did great 6/7 days. Shake it off and make it a good week.
Would Jack do the same thing if it was a crock pot full of meat cooking in its own juices at your office pot luck?
I wanna know!
Anyway, you have beautiful skin and I don't mean that in a weird way.
Today's a new day. Forgive and move past it. You're able to do this! (please copy and paste this on the bad days I have too!)
hang in there.
On to a better week! And i swear i'm never going to have anything from a chocolate fondue again :)
I don't know if this will help, but it helped me with the stupid liquid chocolate stuff. Except it was at my company work informational meetings they have every four months. They have this chocolate fountain. Like a champagne fountain, but with chocolate!
With all kinds of yummy things you put on a stick and then put under the flowing chocolate to coat it. It was a piece of heaven. I couldn't seem to resist the damn thing.
Then someone told me there's a ton of bacteria in those fountains because the chocolate is basically being recycled through the fountain. Any bacteria on the items you stick under the flowing chocolate keep getting run through the thing. It never gets hot enough to kill the bacteria. So it breeds like crazy in the warm chocolate and you eat it. EEEEWWWWW!
I don't even know if that's really true, but it makes sense. Same with the fondue stuff. Think about it, everyone is sticking they're foods in there and it just keeps getting used. Kind of icky if you really think about all that bacteria in there and floating around like a germ soup. Kind of aversion therapy to think like this. Anyway, think about that at the next fondue get together. :)
Hang in there Tricia. Stay good this week and don't let your birthday be an excuse. I feel like you're on a roll. Keep with it.
Yeah, what Diana said. Communal food/drink fountains are pox city. But now that mask is killer.
Damn you to hell chocolaty goodness lol, I feel your pain.
Umm, that mask is awesome. I want one.
love the mask! That lady reminds me of a woman in my class, always bringing in her chocolate fountain!!
perhaps my favorite remedy, neck punching, is in order???
eeww Jack is a NASTY boy! lol
luv the mask...did you steal it from Lady Gaga? :)
I love this mask!!!!! and I too think the woman should die... or maybe just steal her fondue pot to save the prison jaunt.
Liquid chocolate is hard to resist. I once drank from a chocolate fountain. The dare won me $20, but I would have done it for free. :)
I dig the mask. Chocolate fondue sounds so much more tempting than crappy Easter bunnies. I'm sorry you were tempted with that.
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