Monday, March 16, 2009

I CRUSH-a you head.

I went to Sam's Club to find inspirado for my all-green-fruit-tray. That turned out to be a lame idea since the honeydew melons were expensive and the green grapes looked shitty. I ended up buying strawberries (not green) and a big ol' tub of Key Lime Cheesecake Filling (it's green!) Sounds like a real breakfast of champions to me. Oh well, from what I could see on the sign-up list, no one else really seemed to give a crap about the Green Theme, so whatevs. I always feel like I'm typing up those stupid memos and sending them out for no reason since everyone always just brings in chips and sodas anyway. I'm officially sick of potlucks...

Yeah, that's right. I'm that annoying bitch at your job who's always trying to get people to participate in work 'functions'. Ugh, it's okay, I annoy myself too. Fucking memos and clip art and shit. I wish my job was more kickass and less kissass. It's a fine line, baby.

Somedays stuff like this is all I do at work all day:

Those are called the good days...

It's been a bad day, can you tell?

This just in: I need jeans that fit.


M said...

Do you go around and ask people if they have a case of the "Mondays"? LOL

MMM chips...I miss those so bad.

Anonymous said...

man. sorry yesterday was NOT a great day. here's to a case of the tuesdays? and that being a good thing...


Dina said...

lmao, I wish that lady would have looked up when you took the pic. Love Kids In The Hall! Was it in Brain Candy? Where the two cops are like "that thing about toast fucking?" "Oh must have been a dream I had." Love it.

Potlucks stink. I have kind of a bad rep at work, because I am potluck avoider extraordinare! They are all always like "DINA, sign up sheet for Taco Bar is up!!!" No way bitches!

Sorry you had a bad day, I did too. Doesn't that make you feel better?

Mel said...

Im that office biotch too! Don't get me started on clip art..

I hope you have a better day today!

bbubblyb said...

I miss having someone trying to get everyone to participate in work functions so I wish you worked here *smile*. Sorry your green theme didn't go over as well as you hoped, hang in there. Hope you find some jeans.

Pam said...

jejeje. I used to be the event organizer too...could never figure out whey everyone would always grimmace & roll their eyes when I came by with the clipboard. I always get these ideas that seem like they'd be fun at the time...but then it always comes down to "why the hell did I volunteer to do that?" Forget the potlucks girl...go out with your hombre and have a drink!
And jeans that fit? I don't think there is such a thing. Hell even when I was 100 lbs. lighter than I am now I could never find anything that would fit right. I don't know what kind of mannequins they use for their sizing, but it sure as hell never included my size. If you find a good style, hit me up and clue me in!

My Big Fat Super Super Obese Blog said...

I'm pretending I didn't just read "key lime cheesecake filling" I'm vulnerable today. I'm with you on crappy potlucks, they suck! But then again, when they are really good they suck too because I usually have no self control.

Hope tomorrow is a better day for you

wildfluffysheep said...

That picture made me giggle well loud! It's good to be a motivator :D I don't work so *meh*

Here's to better days...

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