Friday, June 5, 2009

I do love a big package.

For those of you that ain't in the KNOW, there's a little something goins on called BLOG EXCHANGE. Jessi organized it and a few of us bloggers (the cool ones, obv.) got together and mailed shit to each other just for FUN. You remember fun, right? It's that thing you used to have before you had a mortgage and child support payments.

Well, I got my box today! Hoorah! I still haven't mailed mines out because I thought I would maybe find some cool stuff in San Fran to send along, but that was mostly a bust. Oh well, patience is a virtue and virtues are good for the soul. And since I got Dina...well, enough said.

Anywho, my package was AWESOME! I got so much stuff! Cool cool stuff that made me giggle with elation, YES, elation. At first I was a little concerned that she would try to mail me a box full of Jehova's Witness propaganda but luckily, I think she forgot. I took some guys wanna see? COOL LOOK BELOW PLEASE THANKS...

First of all, I saw the box and was worried because when it comes to FARTS,
there is no room at the Inn, you know?
In case you are wondering how many farts can fit in a box that size, the answer is clearly six.

There was literally a shit-ton of cards in the box that tricked me into thinking it was farts. I love cards, so I was down. They are funny and awesome and a couple of lame sappy ones in case someone's dog dies, which, as it turns out, you're supposed to send cards for now.

This little fella that Dina said looked like my brother, and for the record, I would have to agree.

BOOK SAFE! + Booklights + Air fresheners + Awesome bottle + Giant paper clips!

Dolls! Lots of awesome dolls for me to put on my desk at work and have them tell me to take home. When will they learn that my desk IS my home? Dumbs.

Dina says that thing looks like me, but clearly her bangs are better. Plus, my half of the BFF KEYCHAIN! Finally, redemption for a lonely tweenhood!

A year's supply of lotion for my ashy elbows and HOORAY BURTS BEES!

Magnetic balls (heh), Books (lame...stop trying to force me to read.),
a cool purse thingy, and more lotion.
I gotta say thanks to Dina for all this great stuff and your stuff will be there soon enough so LAY OFF, MAN!
I can't wait to see what everyone else gets!
San Fran pics coming later...Stay Tuuuuuned.


Kelly the Happy Texan said...

COOL goodies.:) I have never in my life seen a box made for farts. That's classy.

Giant paper clips. hmmm....I can think of at least one use for them.

Tantra Flower said...

At first glance, that one card looked like a bunch of penises. It took me a minute to see the arms and shirts. Clearly I've been alone too long.

Cool stuff! Dina did a great job. Peace.

Katie J ♥ said...

WOW! That is way cool! You guys put a lot of thought into it to which is wonderful :-)

big_mummy said...

oooooh i love the goodies!!! especially the cat butt air freshener, too cool.

Julie said...

Awesome stuff!!
She did a good job... I was expecting to see photos of random boobs. So I am happy she put the effort in putting great stuff.

jessi said...

Dina rocks!!!!!

Carlos said...

so jealous. i dont even have a keychain

Unknown said...

GREAT GOODIE BOX! :) She packed in some retro toys for your desk! WOW If I had a work desk-cubbie-cubical thing Id be super jealous! LOL


Beth @ Kitchen Minions said...

oh my gosh Dina really packed it all in there! How fun!

arielcircleofnine said...

I think that thing is a gen-u-ine vintage fisher price little person. Yep!
Nice haul there Tricia, Dina does rock!

Lauren said...

oh wow, what do I have to do to be a part of this? I live in Korea and would be happy to send and of course recieve stuff.

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