Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me...

Since technically we're counting this as Day 1, I thought I should report that I did pretty good. I woke up too late to have breakfast, which was a bummer, but I had an orange, so it's all gravy, baby. Made some rockin' teriyaki chicken kabobs for dinner and they were pretty good considering I made them. I...am not a chef. I'm just like, not good at it. In my head, things always make sense and have layering flavor profiles and all that nonsense. But when I make it, it always ends up black and bloodied. Poor food. It gives its life for me to eat it and I just have no skillz to appreciate it.

Maybe I should take a cooking class or something. Everything costs money though, and I don't have much. Maybe I just learn to live with my shitty cuisine. That sounds affordable.

Are you guys watching Celebrity Fit Club this season? That show is RIDONK. They are forreal taking a lot of liberties with the word "celebrity". I think I've come to the realization that I barely care about this show when Carnie Wilson's crazy ass isn't there. Also, most of the people are NOT fat. I know there's fatter celebrities out there so this show must have the tiniest of budgets. Like, even tiny by VH1 standards. And they're doing a reality show out of a basement this season. So...what the hell?

Here's the cast. How many can you name??

If you can name four, then your taste is eclectic as hell. I'll still watch it though...cause I'll watch anything with Bobby Brown in it. And also because JAY. Second best Project Runway contestant everrrr. (Santino, what what?) I dunno. Nicole Eggert? Seriously? What would Scott Baio say?

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I lost most/all of you with this post, but if you made it this far, I will remind you to enter my Shitz N Gigglez giveaway! Good luck, homies!

Day 2 comin' up...I can do this :)


Kelly the Happy Texan said...

Just wanted to say how happy I am for you starting your plan to a healthy you. I know you can do it. I want you to succeed. You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it.

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

You CAN do it! Besides, my whole stick to itness is on your shoulders so you have to or I'll fail. And that would suck. And then I would be mad at you and have to go to vegas to beat you with a bag of chocolate turtle chex mix. And then eat them.

PS: Sebastian Bach is beautiful. That is all.

Tricia said...

Eww, maybe like 50 years ago!

LAF said...

Loving 'Project Runway' so far!
Good luck on Day 2, you can do this!

Pumpkin said...

3! I can name 3! Does that make me as eclectic as heck?

Tricia said...

At the very least, Pumpkin :)

wildfluffysheep said...

I didn't get one. And one actually says Bobby Brown...

good times.

karen@fitnessjourney said...

LOL! I was flipping the channels while we were on vacation and this show was on. I didn't know who most of the people were. Seriously, can they be called a celebrity if no one has heard of them? The only one I recognized right off was that hot mess himself, Bobbie Brown.

Unknown said...

good job on cooking din din! :) I love chicken on a stick! :) YUM! I watched the 1st episode of CFC and I liked it..might tune in again! :)

screwdestiny said...

You CAN do this! That's great that you're chicken kabobs turned out well. I used to think that I wasn't a very good cook. Anything I tried to make on my own turned out crappy. So I just started buying cookbooks and watching Food Network. For Food Network, you have to watch the shows where they're actually cooking, and you'll usually learn several useful tips/techniques. I bought cookbooks because I figured I could probably follow a recipe without screwing it up. And most of the time I can. There are also a lot of cookbooks out there that teach you ALL the basic stuff, if you're into that. But I'd say it's definitely worth it to learn how to cook because it's fun, easier on your wallet, and much healthier.

Oh, and I cannot name a single "celebrity" there.

arielcircleofnine said...

I actually caught one of these episodez which, for me, is unusual....and I USED to think S. Bach was beautiful--now? BARF! dang...I agree with your pictorial assessments about the rest of the cast as well. Specially that nicole eggert bitch. COME ON YO!

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