Here's the's almost summer, so I thought...SUMMER FUN PACK! In this giveaway, you'll find almost everything you need for a super fun day at the park, hiking, camping, whatever-ing. Like...outside. In the sun. That big round thing in the sky that isn't the moon or that weird baby head from The Teletubbies. (remember them?? OMG PURPLE IS GAY!)
Anywho, here's the rundown of 300 THINGS: The Giveaway!
1 Reusable Target the environment!
1 - Inflatable Beach Ball
1 - Package of Wet Ones, because outside is dirty.
1 - Toy Story Ice Pack in case you fall down.
16 Piece First Aid Kit because you are sometimes clumsy and shit happens.
7 Piece Sun Relief Kit because you think you're too cool for sunscreen.
1 - Emergency Blanket! In case you get lost in the woods and need to sleep in a tree. I don't want you to catch a cold! Also, astronauts use these so that makes it awesome. Like freeze-dried ice cream!
1 - Rad summer-inspired nail polish because your toes are looking OUTTA SEASON.
4 - Corn on the Cob holders (seriously, act your age.)
10 - packets Crystal Light Fruit Punch
10 - packets Lipton Energize Tea To Go (for energy!)
7 - Crystal Light Pure Fitness Grape packets (These are'll want to try them!)
7 - Emerald Nuts 100 Cal Pack - Almonds & Walnuts
7 - Emerald Nuts 100 Cal Pack - Cocoa Roast Almonds
1 - tin of Altoids cause your breath be kickin'

300 THINGS! wanna win all this shit, right? Of course you do, it's awesome. AND, since I was able to squish it all into a Flat Rate box (Woohoo!), that means EVERYONE can enter! Even you Canadians and British and whatnot.
So in order to enter, first off, you have to be a follower! I know this might be greedy, but if I'm gonna be sending you a big ol' box-o-crap, I want you to at least be someone who reads my damn blog. So if you're not a follower, do that first.
1. Leave me a comment. About anything! Well, about something. I mean, don't just be all "comment" and expect that shit to fly! Tell me something cool.
2. Follow me on Twitter! @fightfatphobia (and let me know via comment, por favor)
3. Link to this post and invite your pals. (Then comment AGAIN to tell me you linked so you get counted again!)
4. Post a 30-second video talking about how awesome I am. (5 entries!)
IF you linked to me already to help me get up to 300, please leave a comment on THIS post reminding me, so I can give you an extra entry, as promised. :) AND THANKS, you rule...seriously, you're the best...around...nothin's gonna ever keep you down.
Once again, thanks so much for following my blog and reading my whines and antics on a semi-daily basis. It means SO much to me! Hearts and flowers, guys!
Good luck!
It's it wrong that I seriously want the water balloons even though I have no kids? This is an AMAZING prize!
I just jumped on the spot when I read the British can enter! woohoo
most exercise ive had all week
i best get linking you up and all that jazz.
i definitely started to reblog at the right time. good stuff Tricia
oh my word.. what a fab give away!!
i even signed into twitter, which I hadnt done in ages just to get an extra entry!
WATER BALLOONS! I have to enter this. Plus, that cooler thing looks pretty awesome for both summer hiking and fall tailgating- two of my all-time favorite activities. =)
Gerard Butler is simply declicious!!! :)
Great giveaway!
Oh yeah, and I am also now a Twitter follower!
Commenting again that I've been following you on Twitter! :)
You crack me up girl. Your giveaway rocks.
Very cool, Tricia. I don't tweet, so I'm out, but someone will be the lucky weiner.
Tricia, tricia, tricia.
The backpack holds a fifth of tequila, a shot glass, and a half dozen limes quite nicely too. Don't ask me how I know. :)
Or you can leave out the shot glass and just bring along one of those crazy straws if you're not into weight lifting.
Ahhhhh. Summertime.
Never mind the kids....Nothing make an adult beverage taste better then drinking it from a crazy straw, while pummeling the bratty neighborhood kids with water balloons!
That hot dog holder is igniting a competitive flame in me. And yes, my mind is in the gutter over that one.
This is so cool! I wanna win! I never win anything! And your cupcakes at the top always make me want cake... so I should get extra credit for still coming here! :p
And I linked you on my blog... even though that will send more people to fight for this awesome giveaway! :)
Linked you in the blog! Ugh I wish I had a twitter just for this giveaway...
I think I was follower 296 so that has to count for something right? Right??!! Also I'll follow you on twitter since I'm into that nerdiness.
Love this giveaway! I'm off to get myself some extra entries!!!
I'm now a twitter follower! Username is tealeth922!
I also linked up to this entry!
Sign up to win some cool free shit! Thanks for the chance to win Trica, you rock.
HUGE fan of freeze-dried ice cream. What's not to love about chunks of chalk looking substance that melts in your mouth!? YUM! lol
Oh and PS I just started following you on Twitter (@Larizz3) AND wrote a blurb in an entry a few weeks back about how awesome you are. ( Was I supposed to put those seperate? Oops. I'm going to do a vlog later but I'll let you know when I do! :)
This is an awesome prize! Will you ship to Canada? I'm sure you know, I already follow you here & on Twitter. I will post a link to this giveaway....but I don't know about the video! 8-O
Ok, I linked back to your contest!!
Due, speaking of cool- how cool are you to do all of this for your blog buddies??!! YOU ARE DA BOMB T! :)
I linked to add peeps to follow you on my blog when you asked originally.
Im gonna go TWEET about your giveaway RIGHT NOW! :)
---so is that 3 tries? :)
Wow, what a giveaway! Would love to win (will also tweet this).
GREAT giveaway and GREAT blog, as always! You so rock!
Here is your something cool: YOU! You always make me laugh right out loud. Thanks! Many days I seriously NEED it! =)
Okay, I am now a Twitter follower as well! Wootsauce! =)
I am also trying to figure out how I missed following you on Twitter before now... hm...
Oh! I am also one of the ones who began following you to get you up to 300 followers!
Okay, since I have no video recorder (lol, GREAT idea!), this is the last one for me. I retweeted (@gourmetmama) and posted your giveaway on my FB page.!/profile.php?id=746216966
super duper awesome giveaway!
congrats on 300!
oh...shouldnt I get an extra entry since we have the same name? ;)
The 300 is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time and this is my number 1 favorite giveaway. Hope I win:-)
You do the best giveaways - your descriptions are so fun..."because outside is dirty" busted me up!
Congrats on having over 300 followers...and you know, when (WHEN, not if) you write your book, people will PAY to read you!
ENTRY NUMERO DUH: I am also now following you on Twitter. Could you be nice to us dumbasses and post a damn button on your blog? You have no idea how retarded I am when it comes to this magical glowing box. I'd ask for Twitter lessons, but it sounds like I'm hitting on you...
Ok, HIT ME AGAIN! Three times a freakin' lady, baby!!! I posted it on Digg to let the whole world know. Giving more smiles to the world than a bottle of Coca-Cola circa 1970's, baby!! (
I think this is the best give away yet!
Linking you to my blog
And I actually am starting a twitter account to follow you this very minute!
I am now following you on twitter:-)
OMG... now I seriously want all that stuff! and my kids and water balloons! That would be FABULOUS!
HOLY COMMENTS!!! I'd sure like that backpack!
I'm following you on Twitter :)
I blogged/ linked :
I don't need any of your things though I know a lot of homeless who could benefit from them. The blanket, first aid kit, reusable tote bag. This is a street person's dream gift!
I'm following you so you better start saying some fun-knee stuff.
Well, you've got my love as always, but I'd kill a man for those crazy straws. And, yes, I follow (I'm a follower like that). I'd follow you on twitter if I didn't not-so-secretly believe twitter is the devil. KEEP ROCKING MY SOCKS.
I'm in! Love this giveaway! Too cute!
I've been a blog follower for a quite a while even though I don't comment much. Your sense of humor makes you one of my favs!
Also, I'm sad in the pants 'cause I thought I was already following you on Twitter but I wasn't! So now I'm following there, too. Man, I suck at the whole Twitter thing!
i fucking want. this. shit.
i dont tweet, but if i did, i'd totes follow you.
Whenever I see the Tricia Militia logo on the right sidebar, I'm reminded of the crude penis drawings I used to make. And now you're looking at it and going damn it is phallic-y!
Phallicy indeed.
Also, giveaway! Yay.
linked up....
rad stuff now...pleasssse.
Are any of those "Hungry Girl" recipes on line?
What da heeezie!! I landed here right after following you on Twitter and what do my eyeballs behold?? The best frackin' giveaway EVER in life!!!! (for real)
oh yeah wait....."comment" like I said, I followed you on Twitter today BEFORE I knew about the giveaway. hehe.
this is not spam. I'm just back gain to tell you I shared this Giveaway with the Yum Yucky Facebook Fans. ((burp))
This is so cool! 300 Things of summer! :D
I follow you now on twitter too! :D
Here's my Tweet! :D
Dude, how had I not seen this blog before? You're funny as hells. Give Yum Yucky a complimentary hot dog holder or something because she brought me over here from Facebook. Anyway, here is my comment!
Also, I am following you on Twitter now.
I was follower no. 319 (EricaB). You are the first and only blog I have ever signed up to follow. I almost wish I had my own blog or twitter so I could get more entries. Of course the water balloons and straws are cool, but I wanted to focus the love on something else neat -- wow, sunscreen. I rarely wear it but know I should. Thus, winning might very well save my life.
well that leaves me out.. I don't know how to twitter .. tried and tried.. just can't grasp it... might be my chemo soaked brain.. lol
I am in!...I want it all and especially the 300 movie and the Fiber One bars. They make me poop big time.
I also would like to have the water baloons for my kids. They would really love all the cool stuff. The bendy straws too.
I have three girls so I know they would love all that stuff.
I could use the back pack for my beer on the go. How's that for coolness post.
I followed you on Twitter. I would suggest you put your blog link on Twitter so people who don't know about your blog can see the link back all the time.
Word! :)
something cool???? Polar bears. Well actually they are probably techniclly warm blooded so; iceburg. But i really want to enter dude, and if i won, I would even let you keep the target card and prize give to someone else. nice huh. Thats me.
oh, and i just posted about you on my blog
and I encouraged following!
I follow you on twitter!
also, I have to commend you on this awesome giveaway idea. It opens the door to other movie interpretations too like Pulp Fiction, with a juicer and novels.
I dont want to enter, but you seriously need to start writing for Youre an awesome writer.
I want the purple gay thing.
No -not THAT purple gay thing.
The OTHER purple gay thing.
Yeah, THAT one!
COOOOOOLL stuff Tricia!
I already stalk you so check. I will follow you on Twitter and add a comment for that.
I totally agree that you should get paid for writing. You are SO entertaining and I feel like I can let it all hang out over here!
Awesome to get my chubby fingers on those goods...lots of items I haven't seen here:)
I followed to make you get to 300 :)
Mentioned the giveaway on my blog inviting everyone to check it out!
C'mon Trish I'm a fat kid...but I live in Canada (but I'm not Canadian damn it!) so that's cool...however being the lazy fat kid I am (and very anti tweeter) this is my comment. I want to be a weiner damn it! Mostly for that water bottle and the cooler thingie....oh and the muscles in 300 might not be so bad.
Hey just found you. Thank Josie. Great contest.
Is it sad that I am probably the last person on earth who doesn't twitter??!!
Great giveaway! I am so excited about our 101 Days of Summer Challenge - I plan on adding all the participants to my blog roll by Sunday.
Happy Friday!
Hell YEAH I want that shit! Are you for real? Found you through Erin's "The xxl-files" blog. Now I'm a follower for life!
I'm new to your blog and now a follower. I've just started a weight loss blog and am now looking around at other blogs to see what people are writing about. I'm not a twitterer either.
Following you on twitter, I'm msarah76.
Linked you on my blog:
Following you on twitter, I am @janellody
If I win, Im going to fill up a few water balloons, cover them with the burt's bees lip balm and try to shave them with the veggie peeler! Just kidding...but I do want that veggie peeler!!!!!
I joined Twitter and am following your awesomeness there! When you said you went all out for this giveaway you werent bullshizznittin! that stuff is fantastic!
Following on Twitter: Debc65
I linked to you to and became one of your 300! Love the blog!
All three of my kids LOVED Teletubbies, lol! But I did make sure my son only played with Dipsy (Green). He was cool - I think he was a brotha!
Ummm... damn... I forgot what I was supposed to do next!
Hey - just found your blog through another Follower's link and I'm LOVING it! I'm new to the blogosphere (at least, I think that's you kids are callin it) and look forward to following YOU. Ok...that sounds creepy. Ha!
What a great idea! How generous of you to do this giveaway.
I am now a follower on Twitter.
I just posted a blog about your giveaway.
Girl, how could I NOT follow your blog?! It's my day brightener. Seriously, I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read the part about the hot dog holders. Anyway, I so want to win this. I'm even considering posting about it on my blog even though I generally never do that. I'd totally leave you a video, too, if I had a video camera.
What a giveaway! ... tá tú na beacha glúine ... comhghairdeachas ... small dose of irish :D
Ok, so I'll say something cool. I'm on muscle relaxants right now and everything is funny. Well, I thought since everything is funny and your blog is funny without muscle relaxants that it would be even more funny to read and I was soooo right! Corn cob holders and hotdog holders!! LMAO! Thank you. :) I'll go find you on Twitter. I don't do much on there b/c I have no followers...well, my mom is but that doesn't really count. lol And I'm linking to your post right now too.
What a great giveaway! I found you via the doped-up Kim and would love to win (and I added you to my reader, woot!)!
hi there....also following you on twitter
Hi! Love reading your funny blog posts. Makes me laugh so hard that I start to cough then I can't breathe. Keep up the good work!
Great blog! I am loving reading it! Great giveaway, thanks!
Great Blog and I totally want the water balloons! =) Jennifer
this is such a badass prize pack! :)
we have the same birthday so I hope that gives me extra good luck!
p.s. I'm fallowing you on twitter my user name is 'celenynotcelery'
I am following you on google - and I have to say, I just got back from vacation and the thing I was looking forward to was more blog posts from you. I am very excited to see that there are many!
Keep it up, chica!
i am a follower!!! and wow.. you are seriously over the top generous! very cool stuff, Tricia!
i am following you now on twitter. thanks!
Is it too late to get in on this?
*this is my random comment entry
Did you feel that?
That was me pushing your follow button on twitter.
Linky linky to post = complete!
Very cool contest. :) And very cool (and wacky) prizes! Please enter me to win 300 goodies thank you x300!
Ok, whew...better late than never I guess. I still have some...hope...
:) Well, I've been following you forver, so checkmark for that one. And here's my comment, and I linked you....I know it's late, but I get so preoccupied...
Can't do a video, because - I"m in some sort of dark ages when it comes to technology. Plus I"m always broke, so I don't think I have a video camera. But If I could make a video - I'd tell people you're awesome cuz you swear a lot, are really, compellingly honest, and you make people laugh ALL THE TIME. Really - you are one of the best bloggers I've seen, prepare to hit 1,000 followers one day soon!
I am following you both on the blog and twitter.
I think this is seriously the best giveaway ever.
I'm following you on Twitter
Oh, and I'm a blog follower
This is an awesome giveaway, much more generous than I've ever been
I am now following you on twitter
I just found your blog through Biz's 101 Day Challenge and I have to say, you CRACK me up!
I Have you in my Google reader and I am going to follow you on Twitter. Awesome giveaway!!
Just found your site... great energy and fun...can't wait to read more!!
I forgot my Twitter password and we don't have a videocam for our own protection during drunken, lustful evenings. I did, tho, link to you post. Now put another entry in the hat for me!
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