I noticed I'm at like 341 Followers now. Holy shitballs! Should I do a second prize drawing if we reach the coveted 350 before the drawing tonight?? I think we should. I dunno what it'll be yet. Prolly just some random shit, but who doesn't love that? Random shit is like my favorite shit ever! We're pretty close, and I have faith in you guys. You're like the best Street Team ever! If Ron Paul had followers like you, he woulda at least been on the ballot. I wouldn't have voted for him because I still think he's all wackadoo, but that's besides the point.
Okay, so...don't forget to enter. If you already entered, your name is on this rad Excel Spreadsheet I made so everyone is assigned a number and I don't have to do a lot of handicrafts just to pick a winner. Is your name here?? If not, might wanna get on that, that's all I'm gonna say.
I don't really have anything to blog about today cause everything's all weird. I'm back on plan, and work is all sad cause my boss' mom died, then my coworker's mom died within like 2 days of each other. Lots of calls home to moms, I bet. It's sad.
In lighter news, here's some pictures from my road trip because nothing is more fun and exciting than looking at other people's vacation photos!
^Turns out people in California really like the shitty Lakers for some reason, so this picture got me shot in the ass about seven times at a Burlington Coat Factory. It was worth it. Eff Kobe.
^ I was bringing down a reign of terror at Dave and Buster's the like that those suckers have never seen! I traded in my 2400 tickets for a beach towel and a giant Pixy Stix. They were clearly relieved to see me leave before I turned over several pool tables in a fit of 'roid rage.
^Here we are outside of the hotel. It's like 9am and there's about 4 billion beer cans open in this picture alone. Hair of the dog, indeed.
^This is SUPER TRIVIA...like the whole reason these nerds wanted to go to D & B to begin with! I ditched this game about an hour in and found the Skee-Ball lanes. Kicked it with some 'tweens and talked about Justin Beiber. Won a shitload of tickets. Life is good.
^My new thing is making out waiters take pictures with us. This was Keith! Keith was cool but he said we were crazy to live in Las Vegas. So I punched him right in the jimmy. Then I thought about it for a second and realized he was right. I apologized but I didn't really mean it.
Then we came home and I was freaking tired. The end.
Good luck tonite to you cats that entered!
Sounds like a ton of fun! I like the mask better than the hat! Worlds biggest thermometer? Never heard of that way up here in Minnesota. Already entered the contest! Can't wait to hear who the lucky winner is!
I hope I win!!!! Your vacation looks super fun! I need a vacation!
A beach towel and a giant pixie stick? WTF Tricia? Too little tickets for the video game machine and too many tickets to spend it all on ring pops...I get it. It's a problem every girl has encountered at least once in her life.
I just found you through The Anti-Jared and just read all of your posts...did you know you're hilarious? Definitely one of my new favorites :)
again you had to diss my Lakers! So cruel to me T :( I'm gonna go cry my eyes out now....
looks like you had FUN. We don't have a D&B's out here - yet the TV stations insist on advertising it. Hmm.. yeah. Well, have fun with the mask and the spreadsheet. :)
I want to live too.
What is this thing, "FUN", of which you speak?
How do I make some? How can I become like you?
Im sitting here stuffing my face in my office (with a plan-friendly turkey sammich!) and LOL'ing at your blog posts as I catch up! Looks like you had a blast---I wonder if Keith's Jimmy has recooped?!
Looks like you had FUN! Woot for vacations! =)
IT IS UP!! Yeahhhh! My lame-o video actually uploaded after much frustration and cursing of the heavens.
So let's recap, though I am very late in the game, I have:
1. Followed you on Twitter
2. Linked to your blog
3. Posted a video on my blog telling everyone how amazing you are. (take that all y'all lazy biznitches)
Now, I'd better win this shit, or I'm gonna throw a 2 yr-old-sized tantrum!
My sentiments exactly, dude. EFF KOBE. Don't you just wanna smack him in his smug Kobe face?!
Fuck the lakers- Celtics all the way baby!
How ya gonna pick the winner, throw a dart at the wall? Hope it lands on me!!!
I laughed all through and tried to get my sister to listen to me read it but sometimes when I am reading something out-loud, it sounds like a film strip on sand grains outside of Dubai. (Though Dubai was not even invented when those film strips were around.)
One question though. You said there were two moms who died, and a lot of phone calls to moms and I was wondering how moms could be called if they aren't here anymore?
I mean, the narrator of a film strip on the subject of sand grains.
Hope my vaca is as fun as yours!
You guys look like a fun group - hey, come to Galveston on November 20 for the party after the half that Kelly (Happy Texans) and I and quite possible other more famous bloggers are going to run - there will be BBQ, beer and us - you would totally make the group!
Whoa whoa WHOA, Tricia! I didn't think there was anything you'd say to make you lose points with me, but you just talked shit on my Lakers. How could you? I thought you were cool. *sighs* Whatever, they just won the first game against the Celtics so they're going to be champions AGAIN!
*is still an avid blog follower*
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